We had the London Tree Sparrow Partnership meeting this week with the RSPB, MKAEcology, Viridor and the BFBG.
Last year 545 Tree Sparrows were colour ringed (red) with the aim of monitoring dispersal from Beddington Farmlands. So far there have only been four reports of colour ringed birds: Wanstead in North London, nearby at Cheam and also from Otford and Edenbridge in Kent. I've also managed to attract small numbers on the estate that I live on- the other side of the railway to Beddington Farmlands.
This year birds will be fitted with individual coded blue colour rings and we hope to get some more recoveries by getting the message out again to local residents (and naturalists) to keep an eye out for them and also to put out millet in their bird feeders to try and attract the Tree Sprogs. I had success by mixing millet in with a standard seed mix.