Wednesday 2 October 2024

Corvo 2024, Day Six, A Little Kick

The storm driven birds continue to arrive on the island and there was quite an arrival today of 2 Bay-breasted Warblers, 2 Baltimore Orioles, 1 Yellowthroat (all found by Paul and Adrian in a small area between Lighthouse Valley and the Whalewatching point) and a Black-and-White Warbler (found by Max in Fojo) that joined the Northern Parula, Bobolink and Red-eyed Vireos that were found before.

Meanwhile off shore there were no Trindade Petrel sightings today but there was a Deserta's/Zino's Petrel and Sooty Shearwater. 

I resisted the urge to twitch too much (fortunately 20 years on here means I don't 'need' a lot of american species)  and spent four hours in Fojo, partly looking for the Black-and-White but also checking the woods and then spent the afternoon checking the fields in the vicintiy of the Whalewatching point and finished up checking the Lower and Middle Fields. I basically saw bugger all expect a glimpse of the Yellowthroat, the Glossy Ibis and the Bobolink was showing well in the middle fields. Unfortunately due to the heavy rain today my camera got wet and steamed up so I even messed up the only photo opportunity of the day too. 

So a little kick for Corvo and a kick in the guts for me. My last full day tomorrow and last chance to get a WP tick or even an Azores tick. Will be the first time I've visited without an Azores or WP tick so the pressure is on. 

As usual all the news and photos of rarities from Corvo on the Corvo Birders Facebook Page HERE

Steamed up image of the Bobolink 

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