Sunday 30 December 2012

Beddington Farmlands 2012 Review

Some personal highlights and photos from Beddington Farmlands in 2012

Juvenile Long-tailed Skua- the first for Beddington
Great White Egret- 2nd and 3rd records for Beddington in 2012
Iceland Gull- a major influx of up to 13 individual birds in early 2012
Cetti's Warbler- unfortunately this male failed to attract a mate despite surviving minus zero temperatures and singing day and night for over six months
Turtle Dove- this bird at the obs feeders was the first one in several years
Lesser Spotted Woodpeckers were holding territory in early 2012
Juvenile Kingfisher
Brent Geese migrating in October
Bar-tailed Godwits migrating in Spring
Female Goldeneye- the first one since 2006
Elephant Hawk Moth
Poplar Hawk Moth- the first one for Beddington
Dewick's Plusia- one of nine that were caught representing the only resident UK population
Jersey Tiger- up to 27 were reported in one evening. This species had not been recorded at Beddington prior to 2012
Rose Plume- a first for Beddington and also a rare vagrant in Surrey
Large Wainscot- a Beddington speciality
Wild Carrots on the restored mounds
Yellow Rattle in the Hide field
Wildlife Garden in Hackbridge forming part of a chain linking Beddington Farmlands with the River Wandle and the Wandle Valley Regional Park
Bug hunting
Bird tour group
Beddington Farm Bird Group Members 
Little Moth-ers
 Planning Group
Carshalton Environmental Fair- Wildlife Photography and Beddington Farmlands Exhibition
Lapwing- still doing well at Beddington

Friday 28 December 2012

Azores 2012 Review

A few personal highlights and photos from the Azores in 2012

Golden-winged Warbler, Corvo
Dicksissel, Corvo
Northern Waterthrush, Corvo
Rose-breasted Grosbeak, Corvo
White-rumped Sandpiper, Sao Miguel
10 American Golden Plovers, Sao Miguel (the largest flock in the WP)
Semipalmated Plover

Corvo birders
Sei Whale, Corvo
Swinhoe's Petrel, Bank of Fortune, Graciosa
Zino's Petrel, Bank of Fortune, Graciosa (Photo: Harro Muller)
Band-rumped Petrel, Graciosa
Common Dolphin, Graciosa
Pelagic birders
Spotted Dolphin, Graciosa
Azores Bullfinch, Sao Miguel

Thursday 27 December 2012

Thee Bryans 2012 Review

Bryan and a Red Kite by Holly Showell and Szabolcs Kokay 
Bryan in the woods by Holly Showell, Lisa Benson and Szabolcs Kokay 
Proto-type Songs of Praise

In 2012 we completed the proto-type for Songs of Praise. Songs of Praise is a music and art collabaration about the journey of a young naturalist who comes across all kinds of strange creatures- birds, animals, lesbians, strange relatives, wasps, girls, spiders, black dogs and jehovah witnesses  . The story is about how the young naturalist tries to make sense of nature, people in it and most confusing of all-  his own place in nature.

A bit more on this here:

Monday 24 December 2012

Xmas Birds and Bugs

Female Reed Bunting- up to 10 on site 
Lesser Redpoll- a small flock about 
Female Goldfinch- about 25+ on site 
Snipe- 20+ about 
Mottled Umber- not many moths about now but 2 or 3 of these

Mompha jurasicella? 
Acleris sparsana? 
Hopper sp?

Amazing -these insects that are out and about during mid winter.