Thursday 28 June 2012


Male Ptarmigan 
Female Ptarmigan 
Arctic Skua 
Little Auks 
Glaucous Gulls 
Glaucous Gull and Eider 
Arctic Fox with Eider egg (above and below) 

Spent the last few days chilling on Svalbard. 

Tuesday 26 June 2012

North Atlantic Boat Trip

The Plancius in the Arctic
Blue Whale 
Blue Whale at Jan Mayen 
Jan Mayen 
Little Auks 
Fin Whale 
Ivory Gull 
Arctic Fox 
Snow Bunting 
Arctic Skua 
King (queen?) Eiders 
Long-tailed Skua 
Grey Phalarope 

Got a bit bored with Beddington so popped up to the Arctic. It was alright. Got on a boat at Aberdeen and sailed to Svalbard island hopping at Fair Isle, Mousa and Yan Mayen on the way. Here's a few pics.
Booked it with this lot:

Sunday 10 June 2012

Sutton Ecology Center Bio-blitz

Poplar Hawk Moth 
Broad-bodied Chaser 
Slow Worm 
Common Spotted Orchid
Moth Trapping 
Bug id 
Beddington Farmlands Information Stand 
Smooth Newt 
Lesser Stag Beetle 
Yellow Flag
Sunset over the Aqua Zone

Spent a lot of the weekend at the Sutton Ecology Center Bioblitz. We recorded over 300 species in 24 hours using various methods including Sweep netting, Pit Fall Traps, Small Mammal Traps, Survey Mats, Bat Detectors, Moth Traps and even tried some Worm Charming.
The aim of the event was to promote species recording to the public, bring local wildlife groups together and showcase the Biodiversity Gardens Project and the Garden Survey Initiative.
Links to the Biodiversity Gardens Project
and some of our meadows and garden work