Waiting for the Swainson's Thrush

Clouded Yellow- common on the island

Golden Twin-spot?

Scar Bank Gem (?)
Christian relocated the Swainson's Thrush at De Ponte today (after 9 days) and a few of us glimpsed it before it disappeared again. There was also a Red-eyed Vireo in the same valley. The Purple Martin was seen again (with a smaller hirundine; perhaps the Cliff Swallow has returned). A Spotted Crake was found at the top end of De Ponte.
The sea was very quiet- just the Pom again.
Butterflies/day flying moths on the island include Clouded Yellow, Red Admiral, Large White, Long-tailed Blue, Slender Burnished Brass (?), Scar Bank Gem, Crimson Speckled, Hummingbird Hawkmoth and Convolvulus Hawkmoth (larvae).