A 24 year search finally comes to an end today with my first Whitefronts at Beddington- now on 210 species.
Looks like a lot of birds are reorienting after the hard weather. I saw 2 Pintail over, 42 Wigeon heading east, a female Marsh Harrier (the first December record) and between us all there were another 6 Whitefronts, 80+ Skylark, 300+ Teal (only 50+ during the hard weather), 100+ Shoveler, 3 Shelduck, 20+ Tufted Ducks (there were 25+ Pochard yesterday), 1 Water Pipit and the year ended with 2 Firecrest on the bridge on the way out.
A great end to a great year. A record 164 species for Beddington Farmlands and Johnny beat the Surrey record with 195 species : http://surreybirding.blogspot.com/
What a way to end the year, Peter.
Hope 2011 proves even better at Beddington.
Best wishes for a happy New Year.
Hope so too.
Happy new year to you Graham. Best wishes and looking forward to see what the birding highlights will be in 2011.
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