Thursday 15 August 2024

A few more migrants

I got up early and did Church Norton yesterday morning in the hope of more passerine migrants in the relatively calm and cloudy conditions which seemed good but unfortunately it was very quiet. Other local birders managed to do better with a few new Whinchats and Wheatear and the first Balearic Shearwaters off the bill. 

The Semipalmated Sandpiper is still around on Ferry Pool. 

The moth trap has been better for migrants my end with my first Scarce Bordered Straw for the garden yesterday and my first Beautiful Marbled  this morning. 

Not sure what's going on over the garden here but I seem to be getting the odd wader regularly flying over presumably between Pagham and Chichester Harbour. Yesterday I had two Curlews and another Green Sandpiper. 

Sandwich Terns and juvenile Med Gulls
Green Sandpiper 
Semipalmated Sandpiper still out on Ferry 
Beautiful Marbled 
Scarce Bordered Straw
Four-spotted Footman. A couple of these, also had about 9 Silver-Y, up to five Dark Sword Grass,  a couple each of Rusty-dot Pearl, Rush Veneer, White-point and singles of Angle Shades so quite a nice little selection of migrants overall.
Frosted Orange- a NFG, now on 325 species (unverified) 
Bulrush Wainscot - these seem to be appearing in the trap quite regularly here. Also Brown-veined and Twin-spotted have been regular which were new for me when I got here

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