Wednesday 3 July 2024

Western Australia, Days Seven to Eight, Stirling Range National Park

Just back from a four day focused birding trip to the south of WA to target the region's endemic birds. I went alone as it would have been a bit intense for the family.  I first visited Stirling Range NP, staying at the Stirling Range Retreat. Most of my birding was around the retreat and venturing into the nearby park but also birded around Mount Trio. Updated trip report HERE .

I tried out the new thermal at night for mammals but nothing apart from European Rabbits. I also had Red Fox during the day and in addition to the usual Western Grey Kangaroos I had two Western Brush Wallabies. 

A few photo highlights below.

Wedge-tailed Eagle (above and below) 

Dusky Wood Swallow 
Spotted Pardalotes- top of wish list 
Yellow-plumed Honeyeater 
Tawny-crowned Honeyeater 
Gilbert's Honeyeater
Elegant Parrot 
Purple-gaped Honeyeater 
Regent Parrot 
Emu- cannot beat a ratite! 
View towards Bluff Knoll 

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