Friday 24 November 2023

Burying your head in the sandpipers

Not sure if I'm the only one who has noticed an attack on neutrality recently and this push for the populace to take a particular side on various or any issues, the latest one obviously being the Israeli-Palestine issue. Seems to be a drive to frame everything into an oppressor-victim narrative driven by the mobocracy of social media. No centralised authoritarian state could have ever dreamed of the effectiveness of democratised self-censorship and oppression (cancel culture) or democratised propaganda. Tik-tokers and Youtubers etc are falling over themselves to become self-appointed propaganda agents. Democratised tyranny is a very special brand of dictatorship, the mob dictating their own oppression- presumably with oligarchs behind the curtains, the hidden hands casting the spell.

I don't fancy being herded into a pen, I don't want to be driven into whatever enclosure they've got because presumably this polarisation and herding is some kind of domesticating process, de-wilding human consciousness into tamed conditioned selected narratives, binary and simple, dehumanised and easily manipulated. So apparently refusing to take a side is siding with the oppressor, a logic which is flawed as both sides in most of these binary narratives see each other as the oppressor. So as ever and always, staying wild and free thinking and connecting to wildness and the freedom of nature is a constant game of cat and mouse, with human domesticators and their ever growing intensive human farms of super systems, corporations and institutions are always trying to trap and hunt wild humans and free thinkers. So the pressure is on to take a side whether it be right wing or left wing, or pro-Israel or Free Palestine, or anti-Putin or Standing with Ukraine and to display that by changing your social media profile picture to reflect that. Apparently not taking a side is burying your head in the sand and not caring about the world's problems and being part of a majority that stand by and watch evil happening. Apparently watching birds and connecting to nature and burying your head in Sandpiper identification instead of joining a war, becoming a self appointed propaganda agent and lynch mobbing people with different opinions is the problem. 

Just fuck off.             

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