Monday 3 October 2022

West Papua, Moths and Butterflies

We took an LED travel moth trap with us on this trip and managed to get it out just over half the nights we were on location. Some preliminary identifications on this West Papua I-naturalist moth project HERE (Sue's uploads HERE

More on West Papua leps HERE.

If I get a chance I'll add some provisional identifications to the photos below but basically some of these are so mind blowing they don't need names to appreciate them. Thanks very much to Roger Payne for identifications of the butterflies. 

Tirumala hamata (Blue Tiger)
Taenaris catops (Silky Owl)
Ornithoptera priamus, female (New Guinea Birdwing). This has many subspecies and races.
Nacaduba sp.
Euploea ?alcathoe (Gove or No brand Crow). Many Euploeas are very similar. this one has a huge range extending from NG, the Moluccas to N Australia (Gove Peninsula) 
Cyrestis acilia
Danaus genutia, male, (Orange Tiger)
Cethosia penthesilea (Orange Lacewing)
albinusa member of the P. fuscus group. I think it maybe this species, but it appears to have lost it's hindwing tail. It was discovered by Alfred Russell Wallace.
Likely a Nacaduba species. A lot of very similar species in this genus found over a vast area.
Parthenos tigrina (New Guinea Clipper)
Parthonos tigrina (New Guinea Clipper)
Another Nacaduba,?
Vagrans egista (Tailed Rustic)
Possibly Eurema species (Pieridae). Not easy with just the underside.

All four above are presumably in the Emperor, Royal, Moon and Giant Silk Moth family (Saturniidae)
Daphnis dohertyi
Lobcraspeda latefascia 
Eumilonia mediofasciata
Pseudarbela sp
What the actual f'@@k! 
Tanorhinus unipuncta
White Looper Moth
Pingasa meeki

Dysaethria sp 
Flatinae sp 
Lappett sp (above and below) 

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