Saturday 26 September 2015

Euro Trip Day 8: Shabla Region

Bee-eaters on the road from our hotel to the Cape. A Roller was nearer the Cape. Also Red-throated Pipit, White and Yellow Wagtails, a single Lapwing and Red-backed Shrikes.
 Hobby. The Cape Kaliakra wind farm was a very controversial installation- literally right in the middle of a bird migration super highway (The Via Pontica). Not so much moving today, we had just a few Sparrowhawks, 2-3 Marsh Harrier, 3 Honey Buzzard, 1 Short-toed Eagle and a couple of Common Buzzard.
Never seen so many Mediterranean Gulls- literally thousands- 2000-3000, that gathered to roost on the sea. This flock were hawking insects over the fields. Also never seen so many White Wagtails (below)- 100s of them in the area.
 Dylan looking for aquatic life. Plenty of waterbirds on the lake including Pintail, Wigeon, Teal, Mallard, Garganey, Shelduck, 1 Spotted Crake, 5 Little Gull, 2 Wood Sandpiper, 2 Ruff, 4 Snipe, 1 Little Stint, 10 Dunlin, 1 LRP and Great Egrets,
Small Copper- literally everywhere on the Steppe area. Also Woodlark there.
Dylan reckons this is maybe a Sand Lizard (It's a Grass Lizard but I was wrong about the frogs- they were Tree Frogs calling from the reeds)

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