Wednesday 14 February 2018

Juniper Top and Bramblehall Wood- The Epicentre of the UK Hawfinch invasion

A truely epic morning. At least 260 Hawfinches- the sight and sounds were incredible. Steve Gale found the birds several weeks ago but the numbers keep going up and there are also many birds in the surrounding valleys. Steve estimates up to 400 birds in the Mickleham-Juniper-Bramblehall complex. See Steve's account from today HERE.  Another account today from Kojak HERE

 Nearly 100 in this flock alone and there were birds all over the valley behind us 

 View from Juniper top. The woodland is mainly Beech, Yew and Ash with areas of Larch. The birds are mainly feeding on Yew and Larch. 
 Spurge Laurel- a lifer! Flowering already- an early source of nectar. 
The Parking Space is Whitehill Car Park and the Black Line A-B is the area where most of the birds were- either side of the line on both sides of the valley 


Steve Gale said...

So pleased that you were there to witness it Peter! The photographs really capture the excitement of the morning.

Peter Alfrey said...

Absolutely brilliant- thanks Steve!!

Peter Alfrey said...

I think we might have under-estimated Steve- that flock (pic 2)- just looking at that I would have guessed about 80 birds- I just counted the dots and its over 100.