Tuesday, 12 April 2016

Plot 3 Bioblitz: Balkan Ecology Project Day 6

 Long-horned Bee
 Field Cricket sp
 Green Lizard (we think) 
 Balkan Green Lizard
 Wall Lizard
Plot 3

Spent this morning in the Plot 2 area birding: Additional birds included a couple of Hawfinches, Long-legged Buzzard and White Storks.
Spent the afternoon doing a bioblitz on Plot 3. We only had a couple of hours to get a snap shot of the area and recorded 96 'species' (most not identified). The most notable features were the dense population of Lizards, mainly Balkan Green Lizards and also lots of Field Crickets. The habitat was coarse grass, plantains, speedwells, crane's bills, scentless mayweed with scattered small shrubs of Dog Rose, Hawthorn and Blackthorn. The perimeter was mainly Elm and Prunus.
The plan is to develop the area for organic farming but considering the dense population of Lizards might need a new plan!
The reason for the dense population of Lizards might have something to do with the extremely dense population of fauna in the ground vegetation (see video below from one sweep of the net)

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