Tuesday 9 October 2012

Day Three: Wood Thrush!

Wood Thrush (Finders story here: http://gwentbirding.blogspot.pt/)
Darryl moments before finding the Wood Thrush
Wood Thrush twitch
Woodcock in Fojo
White-rumps on the airfield
Adult White-rumped Sandpiper
Internet connection is bad so I'll be be brief. Went to Fojo with Darryl, he found a Wood Thrush while I was standing next to him in the deepest darkest part of the valley, then it took about two hours for us to get the news out and others in, in between there was a mystery wood warbler calling over our head (which I think is an American Redstart) and then we walked back to the village and saw a load of waders.
Darryl and I got our dinner and drinks paid for and now we are discussing the waterthrush again.
Few moths last night including Slender-burnished brass, Scar Bank Gem, Large Yellow Underwing and some as yet unidentified ones.

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