Tuesday, 8 September 2009

A prophecy

This is a dangerous game.
I predict:
An influx of drift migrants (Wrynecks, Ortolans etc) and perhaps an eastern vagrant(?) on Scilly by Thursday. Maybe Cornwall and south/southeast Ireland with some drift migrants.

The rest of the country- no major concentrations.

We will see.


Alan Tilmouth said...

Those northerlies toward the end of the week will see some juvenile Long-tailed Skuas in the North Sea and the East Coast will be peppered with Red-backed Shrike, Barred Warbler & Firecrest. Perhaps more Greenish as well.

Darryl said...

Given the alarming angle of the UK, I predict any decent bird will slide down to the very bottom of either Ireland or, more likely, Cornwall.

Peter Alfrey said...

We will all see.
Could run on a book on this stuff.