Wednesday 23 October 2024

A first for West Sussex - Echium Leaf-miner, Dialectica scalariella


I got confirmation yesterday that I correctly identified Dialectica scalariella from earlier on in the week. 

Colin Pratt, confirmed the identification on irecord and I also got confirmation from Portland Bird Obs. The species colonised Portland last year. Previously the species had colonised Dungeness and there have been several records in Hants and East Sussex  and also east Devon. Thanks Martin Cade! 

The most exciting news was that this was a first for West Sussex according to Colin. I'm very pleased with that and Paul is popping over later for my first moth twitch. Also pleased that I recognised it from moth trapping in Bulgaria (helps to get continental migrants on the radar).

A nice little moth! Nice to get my first decent moth find at the new pad/patch. Still need to find a decent bird! 

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