Tuesday 3 September 2024

Vagrants ahead


Weather chart for end of this week (Friday) looks promising for eastern vagrants. Not only is there a deep easterly airflow across Europe from Thursday but there is a warm front moving across the north sea over night on Thursday which should act as a scythe concentrating migrants long the front. Should be good in the Northern Isles and East coast for vagrants from far and drift migrants from nearer and with a front like that crossing land could also drop waders and terns etc at inland sites. 

Might get some peripheral effect down on the south coast (seems like moth migrants can get blown right across and onto the south coast even in easterlies) and in the aftermath and following days might get some trickle down. Fingers crossed. Will update this post later in week to see how this prediction pans out.  

070924 update- pretty much bang on prediction with waders and terns across land (e.g. Arctic Skua, 8 Little Tern and 7 Common Scoter at Farmoor on Thursday, Sandwich Tern at Beddington today and lots of terns across inland sites) and also huge falls of drift migrants on the east coast on Friday (including a Red-backed Shrike, Pied Fly and Wheatears here at Pagham). However no stand out vagrant on the bird front (so got that wrong) but there was also good moth migration on the east coast including a couple of Many-lines which are mega moths. 

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