Monday 17 June 2024

Local exploring

Spent the last couple of days exploring the local area. Yesterday we walked from the house and visited the discovery area at Pagham RSPB with the kids and today I managed to sneak out for a bit of focused birding before we spent the afternoon at the beach at West Wittering/East Head. 

This morning I walked from North Wall to Pagham Spit, a new area of the harbour for me and it was stunningly beautiful in the sunny weather after the recent storms. Ebird list from today HERE. 67 species in nearly four hours. Highlights were Little Tern, Whimbrel, Barwit, Cattle Egrets and nice to see recently fledged Ringed Plovers and Great Crested Grebe. There was a Grey Seal at the spit and later in the harbour and also a Roe Deer out on the saltmarsh. 

The moth trap back at the house has been pretty quiet recently with the wet and windy conditions. I had my first moth lifer here today- a Dog's Tooth. Other highlights include another Delicate and Silver-Y. Will be interesting to see if our garden is any good for migrants when the right conditions arrive (if they ever do this year!). 117 species now on the garden list with V-Pug and Dog's Tooth today. 

Avocet- this defensive bird was at the pool behind West Wittering beach with several recently fledged young and also recently fledged Oystercatchers. Also several Med Gulls there. 
Hungry young Little Egrets demanding adult attention 
Recently fledged Rooks and Jackdaws at Sidlesham
Recently fledged Ringed Plover 
A nice fresh Broad-bordered Yellow Underwing 
Dog's Tooth- lifer 
View over Pagham Harbour from the East Side
Pagham Spit- looks like this is where all the gulls are (about 200 Black-heads and 300 Herring Gull)  but the distance and light was pretty awful. Will be interesting to discover whether there any good gull watching opportunities round here. The Med Gulls were not in this area but were hawking over nearby fields. 
Pagham Lagoon- haven't been here in over 20 years. Last time I was here there were a flock of Scaup here. A retro local patch tick. 
Jacob had his new school place confirmed today so enjoying his beach time while all other kids are at school. We are having more work done at the property over the next few weeks so will be staying with family (in Australia) while that gets done, so he will have a nice extended summer holiday this year

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