Sunday, 7 April 2013


Grey Heron and a load of rubbish 
Common Gulls- a spring migrant 
Water Pipit- for some reason they get a bit more approachable this time of year
Despite the improving of the weather there was still not a lot of migrant action.  There was a brief Wheatear that I missed and also a LRP and Common Sand- which I also missed.
Pretty shocking to see the results of the strong north east winds that have persisted over the previous weeks and has resulted in a pretty major pollution incident on the Northern Lake with large quantities of windborn debris from the landfill.


StourbridgeRantBoy said...

Pity about the litter but you have just got back from Maroc so you should be used to it:-)

Laurie -

Peter Alfrey said...

:-) Exactly- it looks like a developing nation