Just to remind myself that there is actually a point!
Beddington Farmlands
Mission: To facilitate in the development of the
Beddington Farmlands Nature Reserve
Progress: Frigging slow:-) Two years ago (2009) moved into
position- into the obs (Recorded three 'firsts for
Beddington' from the window already) . Completed the 'Birds of
Beddington' (Eight long painful years in the making) and in 2010 completed a series of talks, newspaper features and articles to publicise the development of the reserve. Also set up regular tours to
Beddington and began building a reserve support group made up of local charities, conservation organisations and the local community. In 2011 completed some restoration works including reed planting, wild flower meadow development and bat box installation. In addition to bird recording started to record all other wildlife at the farmlands as part of developing a pan species inventory which can be used to assess the success of future restoration and conservation works. This has already led to discovery of a population of
Dewick's Plusia moths- the only known population in the UK.
Outlook: Need to facilitate in the development of a focused management body that can direct the development of the reserve. To further develop the pan species inventory and set up monitoring systems to keep a health check on the ecosystem. To continue progress towards developing the largest nature reserve in London- through development of increasing support, improved reporting and publications and more access/
involvement from the local community.

The AzoresMission: To contribute towards discovering/ recording the
avifauna of the Azores and to facilitate in the growth and development of birding on the Azores.
Progress: Following earlier success with discovering interesting gulls in winter and waterbirds further exploration for vagrants led to the discovery of
Corvo in 2005. Recent efforts have focused on pelagic exploration and developing autumn birding on
Corvo/Flores with regular publications of developing events. Through being a member of the Portuguese Rarities Committee efforts are intensifying to improve ornithological data collection and processing/reporting rarity records.
Outlook: Further pelagic exploration and autumn birding. Development in recording and reporting
avifauna. Improvements in rarity record processing and reporting.

Photo by Gareth Knass
Thee BryansMission: This is supposed to be for fun! To write, record and perform a musical comedy/
tradegy about life on earth.
Progess: Recorded and published song book for parts one and two of story and almost completed part three.
Outlook: Complete part three and start doing live performances.

Links etc on the mission here: