We had eleven Crossbills (pic 2) go over today which is remarkable in terms of the number and early date. There were only 12 records of Crossbill up to 2007 (The Birds of Beddington Farmlands) and all were between June and October so todays is the first May record. 50% of records have been in June and July and are believed to represent post breeding dispersal birds. The previous highest number was four on July 14th 2001.
I also saw a Buzzard and Peregrine but missed a Red Kite. Common Blues (pic 2) and Large Whites are about now.
As the vegetation is growing up across the site some new Sedge Warblers are taking up territories- maybe late season birds (first summers?). Many of the warblers and songsters are busy nest building and feeding young and not so much music in the air.
Hi Peter could your butterfly be a Brown Argus? I took a photo of what I thought to be a small female Common Blue today and Pyro told me it was a B.A. Your one looks similar.
Hopefully I will get some Crossbills down my way this year.
Having said the body of yours looks kinda blue . . . I don't know!
Hi David,
I dont know either. I thought it was a female common blue because the body looks blue and there were some marks on the underwing that extended close to the body. This is the first year I am looking a bit closer at the butterflies at the farm so am an absolute beginner. I need Brown Argus :-)
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