Tuesday, 10 November 2009

Beddington Farmlands

A bit of vis mig today. 150+ Woodpigeons, 50+ Fieldfare, 6 Skylark, 10 Redwing and 15+ Chaffinch over. 40+ Goldfinch and 10+ Greenfinch around the old hayfield.
After a couple of hours out there it was back to the obs for some sky watching from the window (image one). Check out the sheep skin.
P.S The Beddington farmlands birder infighting has gone online:


Graham James said...

Is this patchpigs blog for real, Peter?
Even I'm not childish enough to use a blog to slag others off!

Peter Alfrey said...

It's for real.
Its about the patchpigs who watch swinesville. I'm slimebag pig and johnny is mental retard pig and the others are 'the pigs'. Stringerman (the author) has been outed from swinesville and is now trying to seek and destroy the pigs- which is basically to find a bird that we all need and not tell us.
Its really quite imaginative! Strange but true.

Graham James said...

All very strange and very sad, Peter.

Peter Alfrey said...

Stringerman is difficult but he is a birder so that makes him okay by me. Local birding groups have to find ways of integrating all their members- no matter how difficult- otherwise we end up with all this- which distracts from the end game- ultimately failing the birds and the environment.
Will see what happens with our group??