Another year and another miracle that nature hasn't wiped humanity out yet.
The race to the bottom gets more and more feverish every year. At some point our unsustainable system has to no longer be able to sustain itself and slip into a death spiral and who knows we might be closer to that than we all think- or maybe not. It could drag out for years or decades still, but lets be optimistic and hope for some changes this year- why not!?
Nature needs human pressure taken off it and a deep global economic collapse has the potential to offer opportunity to do that and reboot things along sustainable tracks. Maybe the apocolyptic dynamic duo of Trump and Musk will create that collapse that we need- fingers crossed. It will be a painful transition so I guess should be careful what I wish for.
My hope is for a new advanced system along the lines of a citizen interfaced AI driven block chain system that measures growth across multiple-indices (not just GDP but also including natural and social capital targets). There will probably be something like Google Citizen for these social credit systems, where users are incentivised to contribute to regenerative activity through digital rewards that can be traded for goods or social priveledges. Meanwhile corporations and institutions will also be required to report activity in multi-indices and there will be a global growth metric that is set for sustainable growth. Something like that.
As they say, think global but act local so we've got some nice little plans at Little Oak Group this year including developing Little Oak Lodge further into a self sufficient resislient homestead/wildlife garden, more new local patch bird and moth recording and rarity hunting, expanding our Biodiversity Net Gain services at Little Oak Tree and Garden Care, escalating the Beddington Farmlands campaign, completing a new rental property in Malta, more work on the wildlife plot in Bulgaria, new papers for the Corvo project and a few foreign birding trips (while we still can- those carbon credits will be expensive in a regeneartive society!). Also planning to re-launch Thee Bryans- our light hearted propoganda machine. Anything we build we are attempting to integrate it all into digitial platforms and multi-metric frameworks waiting for the new system wave to hit (or rather a series of waves and gradual ebbs and flows). Certainly a bumpy and unpredictable road ahead and its impossible to accurrately time these things so just hope we have spread risk across opportuninites enough to survive! Fingers crossed.
It's good to dream of a better deal for nature ! Happy New Year!