Friday, 27 February 2015

Incinerator Update

Click for latest: INCINERATOR LATEST

Basically at moment looking like instead of stopping the incinerator we've got two monsters coming (an earlier application was resurrected once the new application was granted) and also the bigger of the two looks like it might even be bigger and dirtier than expected.

In short this is capitalism consuming  nature protected land via the democratic and planning process, a process which basically is used to dissipate resistance by grinding the environmental/social sector down and effectively projecting profit-focused objectives, all in the name of democracy, freedom and fairness .

The appeal is still in play- waiting to hear about that (could be prohibitively costly- not forsaking the lack of grounds- sparse enough for the first legal team to abandon ship - and one of them to give up environmental law altogether!) and then its to the barricades!


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