Thursday, 21 March 2013

Morocco Day Eleven

Double-spurred Francolin (double spur visible in this shot)
Crested Coot 
Ferrugionous Duck
Two more WP ticks today- Double-spurred Francolin and Marsh Owl. Trip species list broke the 200 barrier also.
Only a couple of days left and the most difficult species yet to come. 


StourbridgeRantBoy said...

It's a good job you are still over there, the crap weather here is just about to get worse over the weekend. It might just have blown through by the time you touch down.

Nice stuff, i'm envious it's taken me several trips to get your specialities but then again i don't drive. You must have covered some KM's.

Laurie -

Peter Alfrey said...

Luckily our flight was cancelled so we've got an extra day here. Not looking forward to the weather back home.
Certainly covered a lot of miles but lots of places to stop off en route to bird. Looking forward to returning to catch up with Atlas Flycatcher for another trip.

Dominic Mitchell said...

Some excellent pics of Moroccan specialities, Peter - you did especially well to get such a good shot of the francolin (hard enough to see!)