Saturday, 31 October 2009

Beddington Farmlands- Croydon RSPB Fair

Spent today at the Croydon RSPB fair doing a promotional event for the Beddington Farmlands Urban Nature Project.
Following restoration of a quarrying and landfill operation , the site is set to become one of the largest urban nature reserves in the UK. The habitat is going to be comprised of a mosiac of habitats including grasslands (acidic, mixed and amenity), lakes and scrapes, wet grasslands, reedbeds and traditional beds (see map).
The restoration has recently commenced, with phase one on the southern and northern lakes and the southern cells.


Graham James said...

The plans look great, Peter. I hope that they go ahead as planned and keep Beddington as the premier site in Surrey.

Peter Alfrey said...

It will be superb if all goes to plan.
I think the important thing is that if the bird group can generate enough interest from the local community and groups- than there will be enough pressure on Sutton to make sure it all goes to plan.
We all know what these sort of plans often amount to- but I think that is becuase local groups and people dont do enough (or the right things) to get what they want.
Let's hope, this one is different. I intend to try everything to make sure it is.

Graham James said...

I totally agree that it needs ALL those with an interest in the area to join forces and speak with one voice.
One of the problems that we have had at Holmethorpe has been the reluctance of some to get involved in speaking out about changes that have taken place and the result has been much reduced viewing and access to several areas.
There is little point in waiting until the damage is done and then moaning about it.
I wish you luck, Peter and hope you get the support needed to ensure that Beddington remains a top birding site.

Peter Alfrey said...

Cheers Graham,
Indeed too much sitting back in the past, letting things happen and then moaning about it afterwards. Hopefully, change is in the air and that can only happen at this level by people defending their communities and local wildlife.
Exciting times.
Best wishes