Monday 14 October 2024

Bulgaria, Autumn 2024, Day Two

Today was mainly a work day getting the wildlife pond at the plot progressed further. The four boys were down for a couple of days so we concentrated on work before they headed home this evening. 

Before work started Kojak and I were up and at Cape Kaliakra by dawn. We only had a couple of hours but still managed 58 species HERE. Highlights included the mind blowing vis-mig with 11250 Chaffinch, 1500 White Wagtails, 300 Spanish Sparrows and smaller numbers of Alpine Swifts, Barn Swallows, Bramblings, Siskins,  Skylarks, Crested Larks, Hooded Crows, Reed Buntings, Woodpigeons, Mistle Thrush, Song Thrush, Red-throated Pipits, Tree Pipits and Corn Buntings. 

Meanwhile on the deck there were at least 75 Wren including birds being picked off by Yellow-legged Gulls as they flew in off the Black Sea. Seemed tragic that these tiny birds had just crossed the whole of the Black Sea only to be killed within meters of the cliffline. There were also about 40 Robin, 15 Black Redstarts, a single Red-breasted Flycatcher, 2 Red-backed Shrike and Honey Buzzard and Marsh Harrier went over. There were also 6 White Pelican on the sea. There were also a couple of Harbour Porpoise off shore. 

We also did a couple of hours in the evening around Kamen Bryag HERE. There was more in the way of insect migration than bird migrations with thousands of Silver Y and smaller numbers of Rush Veneer and Rusty-dot Pearl and two Crimson Speckled. Also tens of Red Admiral and Painted Lady. 

Four adult and two juvenile White Pelicans
Wren- a clear large fall of these today with at least 75 between the car park and the point. So plenty made it past the Yellow-legged Gulls
Juvenile dark phase Honey Buzzard
Another stunning male Black Redstart
Common Redstart
Juvenile Red-backed Shrike. It's interesting to see that some species like Red-backed Shrike, Red-breasted Flycatcher and Common Redstart are still moving through. We've recorded these on earlier autumn trips in August and September but in larger numbers so at the tail end now. However there are no Bee-eaters, Rollers, Golden Oriole, Spotted Flycatcher or Ficedula flycatcher and most surprisingly no Wheatears, no Northerns or Pieds and only one Whinchat and one Hoopoe. No Marsh Terns either or Little Gulls. Clearly there is a different suite of birds moving now dominated by finches. It's all pretty fascinating. 
Crimson Speckled- a couple of these on the steppe. Seems like I didn't pay my electricity bill as I've been cut off at the plot so not been able to have the moth trap on there. I've got it on at the guesthouse tonight so fingers crossed as the whole area here is dripping in migrant moths (mainly Silver-Ys). We also had a Convolvolus Hawk moth on the plot. 
The pond development today . Previous on this HERE
Still a work in progress- we now need to edge it and trim the membrane to shape. Within minutes there were dragonflies swarming round and in the evening the first bird- a Chiffchaff came in for a drink. There isn't much fresh surface water in this area- its limestone cliffs and karst round here so this pond hopefully will be quite a magnet for migrants. 

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