Thursday 24 October 2024

Pigs on the Wing over Little Oak Lodge

There's been some interesting visible migration over the garden during the last two mornings. Ebird lists from yesterday HERE and today HERE. Highlights have been Hawfinches! A peninsula mega with a calling flock of 6 going East yesterday and a single calling bird heading in the same direction this morning. Seems like there is a regional influx of them in the UK. Unfortunately typically they were bombing over so fast I couldn't get photos. After two days in a row I'm hoping for another tomorrow so will make sure the sound recorder is on from dawn.  

Also the number of Woodpigeons going over has been spectacular and part of a regional movement with over 100K recorded over Portland yesterday. This morning 4825 going over in about an hour! Unfortunately I had to leave to go to the Dentist but when I returned three hours later they were still moving in smaller numbers.

Also a few Redwings, more Song Thrushes, Mipits, Pied/White Wagtails, Chaffinches and Goldfinches moving. There's at least one Chiffchaff in the hedges, one or two Goldcrests and a Firecrest was calling yesterday morning.  

Woodpigeons (and Stock Doves) on the move (above and below) 

The flocks were peppered with Stock Doves. Not sure on the numbers but  maybe one if every two hundred birds or so. There's at least two in the image above. 
Not too much in the moth trap last night but the first November moth agg (above) and Chestnut (below) for the garden list. Garden list now on 386.  Another two Flame Brocades and a Blair's Mocha last night too in addition to the usual migrants/suspected migrants. 

Mystery moth of the day for me. Maybe a Feathered Ranunculus or another faded Brindled Green which keep catching me out. 251024 update. Yep Colin agrees this is Feathered Ranunculus. 
Seemingly this is what ideal late autumn vis-mig weather looks like for this part of the world, with a light southeast wind (early morning) and clear blue skies on the western flank of a high pressure centred over Europe with south westerlies across the North Sea and westerlies over Scandanavia. 

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