Tuesday 25 June 2024

Western Australia, Days One to Three

Currently staying at Holly's family homestead on the shore of Black Lake, Mandurah. Mitch and Arthur have a sixteen acre property that overlooks the lake and is adjacent to a CaLM (Conservation Land Management Area) so it's a pretty good bit of habitat, which is lucky as due to family commitments I've only been birding in this area. It's been a great little intro. Live Ebird trip report HERE

A few photo highlights below of a few common WA species. 

Scarlet Robin
Australian Ringneck 
Crested Pigeon
Laughing Kookaburra
Whistling Kite
Common Bronzewing
Western Whistler (i think)
Spotted Scrubwren
Western Wattlebird 
Australian Magpie
Splendid Fairywren (male non-breeding)
Grey Butcherbird
Western Gerygone
Australian Wood Duck 

Western Grey Kangaroo (aboves) 
Mitch and Arthur's 

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