Saturday 15 June 2024

Selsey Bill- Roseate Tern

The wind was even stronger today and there were lots of reports of Manx Shearwaters on the Selsey birding blog HERE. I had family commitments so couldn't get away until the boys screen time in the late afternoon but managed to get a couple of hours in in the early evening. No Manx Shearwaters or Fulmars for me (still not seen a 'proper seabird'- i.e. a tubenose). However compensation was provided with a nice adult Roseate Tern flying close by in the company of a small group of Common Terns. 

The strong winds, good light and the choppy seas made for some atmospheric photography as the birds were battling into the headwind and often flying pretty close by. Ebird list from today HERE.

Adult Roseate Tern with Common Terns (above and below). Clearly much paler than Common Tern with an all dark bill, no dark markings on the trailing edge of the hand, relatively short wings and long tail and also a hint of pink on the underparts. The characteristic faster wing-beats and different flight mode was less obvious in the strong head wind. 

Sandwich Terns (above and below). Several of the birds had pale foreheads which I only just read in Collins is quite normal from June/July. 

First-summer Kittiwake 
Shag (above) and Cormorant (below) 

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