Saturday 22 June 2024

Singapore stop over

Spent the last two nights in Singapore en route to Perth, Western Australia. Yesterday we spent the day at the Singapore Botanical Gardens, Ebird list HERE and today we spent the day at the Gardens by the Bay, Ebird list HERE. As it was a family city break the birding was casual around family activities and both of these sites are top sites in the city to combine both.

A few photo highlights below. 

Oriental Pied Hornbill 
Zebra Dove 
Spotted Dove 
White-breasted Waterhen 
Javan Myna 
Malaysian Pied-Fantail 
House Crow
Oriental Magpie Robin 
Javan Myna in the lunch stop kitchen 
Red Junglefowl (above and below)

Asian Water Monitor (above) and Clouded Monitor, I think (below) 

The botanical gardens had some good little bits of habitat including wetlands (above) and a fragment of original lowland rainforest (below- with Jacob visiting his first rainforest) 

The Gardens by the Bay - the world famous giant trees are here along with a series of biodomes and little bits of habitat
The Jewel Changi Airport in Singapore- got to be the best airport in the world. Next stop- Oz. 

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