Sunday, 12 April 2009

Beddington 120409

Today I saw the White Wagtail and new in was the first Greenshank for the year. A few hirundines around including 20+ Swallow and 10 each of Sand and House Martin. 2-3 Wheaters on the mounds. 2 Redshank about.

Despite low cloud and fairly calm conditions it is interesting the visible migration had abated today. Maybe as the cold front passed, migrants were pushed towards the east, trying to keep within the warmer airflow. Also as the centre of the depression (featured on 100409 chart below) changed position a weak northwesterly was generated over our area perhaps another factor putting the brakes on (see chart above 110409) and dumping a fair amount of stuff in the process.
I recall seeing this pattern before. A good warm southerly airflow suddenly interrupted by a wind direction change to the northwest- dumps birds on the first day of the northwest airflow. As this wind direction is one that is not generally associated with good visible migration at Beddington, it is interesting that a day like yesterday was hosted by a northwesterly. On the second day of the northerly airflow (today)- ziltch!

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