Friday 2 August 2024

Pagham Harbour

Managed to get out for a session this morning. I started off on East Side checking out White's Creek and the Breach Pool and then drove round and had a look at Ferry too. 70 species of 1107 individuals in four hours, Ebird list HERE. Highlights included 19 species of wader including 4 adult Curlew Sandpiper, 3 adult Spotted Redshank, at least 8 Greenshank, 1 Green Sandpiper on ferry (and one over the garden this morning), 1 juvenile Little Ring on Ferry, 10 Whimbrel and a single Bar-tailed Godwit. 

Had a Hobby over the garden yesterday, Sandwich Terns the evening before, Green Sandpiper this morning and a few Med Gulls going over. There's been up to 40 Barn Swallow over the estate (and gathering on the lane wires), up to 7 Sand Martins and a couple of House Martins. After a flock of 45 Swift at the beginning of the week I haven't seen many since. Had a Yellowhammer go over too and a Tawny owl was calling a couple of nights ago. Also Willow Warbler and Chiffchaff in the garden. 

On the way to work on Wednesday I had an immature White-tailed Eagle fly over the van near Amberley.


Adult Curlew Sandpipers 
Adult Spotted Redshank
Redshanks- the most numerous wader with at least 140 gathering at high tide. Next up was Dunlin with at least 120. 
Adult female Marsh Harrier- presumably the breeding female (raised 3 juveniles) from Breach Pool, looking a bit worse for wear after the breeding season


Chris Townend (Jaffa) said...

Sounds like an awful patch! Cannot understand why you moved🤣
I see the Otter might have to pull its socks up ready for some healthy patch competition 😮

Peter Alfrey said...

Game on :-)