Saturday 17 August 2024

Pagham Big Day- sort of

Kojak came down to stay with us this weekend so we decided to see how many species we could see around Pagham Harbour in a day. We started early (after doing the moths) had a long lunch break at Billy's on the Beach with the family and then had to get back early evening for a BBQ so it wasn't any sort of hardcore all-dayer but we still managed 90 species. Gleaning other records from the Selsey Blog there were at least 105 species on the Peninsula today. Our main Ebird list HERE (we added 5 species later at Selsey Bill and Church Norton). 

Highlights for us were the Semipalmated Sandpiper and Little Stint duo on Ferry (21 species of wader in total), Spotted Redshank, six Knot and 2 Barwit, 4 Greenshank, Yellow-legged Gull, Tree Pipit overhead on East Side, 2 Spotted Flycatchers at Church Norton, a couple of Wheatears, Great Egret and Cattle Egrets.

There were also 4 Common Seal in the harbour (including a young one), there's a few Roe Deer around, and I had mustelid (a Stoat I think) near the visitors centre yesterday. 

A few moth migrants in the trap last night including Olive-tree Pearl, Portland Ribbon Wave, Silver-Y, Diamond-back Moth, another European Pepper Moth and we had Yellow-legged Clearwing (to the Orange-tailed Clearwing lure) yesterday and a Hummingbird Hawkmoth was flying round Church Norton this evening too. A Fleabane Pearl, Anania crocealis also in the trap last night was a first for the garden.

Spotted Flycatcher
Great Egret and Grey Heron
Cattle Egret 
Male Yellow-legged Clearwing
Fleabane Pearl, Anania crocealis- new for garden 
Yesterday's Vestal - the first one for the garden

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