Tuesday 24 October 2023

Corvo 2023 Day Three

Fog was covering the upper sections of the island so David and I started the day off at Fojo attempting to catch one of the three Swainson's Thrushes there for the long term vagrant ringing and isotope analysis study. We ended up spending most of the day up there but unfortunately didn't catch one. I had a bit of a walk about and picked up Red-eyed Vireo and a couple of the Swainson's Thrushes along the road. 

In the afternoon we worked the Lower and Middle Fields and had the Grey-cheeked Thrush, a Red-eyed Vireo and Willow Warbler at the Pig Farm, an Indigo Bunting in Middle Fields, the White-rumped Sand and Greenshank were still present, the Grey Plover was on Black Beach and we finally managed to see the Scarlet Tanager at the Yellow House just before it got dark.

It's possible the Rose-breasted Grosbeak from yesterday and the Indigo Bunting and REV in the village today were new birds but could also be long staying birds ranging widely across the island. 

A German bird tour group arrived today so fortunately it's not just David and I on the island any longer. 

Live Trip Report HERE

First-winter male Scarlet Tanager- found by the home owner who reported an odd bird on her washing line and sent a photo to Ruben 
Grey-cheeked Thrush at the Pig Farm 
I'll will remember Corvo 2023 for the sight of scanning the road ahead to see the distinctive shape of a Catharus thrush ahead. We've seen 3 Swainson's and 2 Grey-cheeked in the last two days. 
The first time I have photographed one since it has become a full species- Azores Chaffinch 

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