Sunday, 9 February 2025

Little Oak Lodge Update

Looking forward to early Spring when we can carry on planting up the garden beds with herbaceous plants, sow the meadows and plant up the raised beds with fruits and veg so in the meantime we've been getting on with stuff we can do in the winter. 

 All the tree planting has been done, new planting beds have been prepared, the ditch has been cleared out and we got Jimmy round this week to quote up putting in the animal fencing and also some decking for the visitors accommadation. 

In the last couple of weeks we've put up 12 bird boxes around the garden including House Sparrow apartment blocks on the garden office, have jet sprayed the patio ready for re-pointing and got another table in the garden office to have space for more experiments and tanks. 

A couple more garden bird ticks including a Moorhen calling at 5am in the week and I had a nice male Marsh Harrier go over yesterday evening. Now on 98 species for the garden. Lapwing and Golden Plover flocks are regularly flying over between Pagham and nearby fields/Medmerry which are always spectacular to see over the garden. Seems the Jackdaw and Rook numbers roosting in the nearby woods are decreasing and I haven't heard or seen the Firecrest in a while. A few Curlews are still getting out in the field opposite. 

House Sparrow apartment blocks 
Bird boxes on the old fences 
Raised beds ready for planting and the best we can do with rather dodgy patio
The Garden Office with new bits 

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