Thursday 26 September 2024

En route to Corvo

I'm heading off on the annual pilgrimage to Corvo today. It's the twenty year anniversary since I had the great fortune of discovering the birding potential of this mythical island in 2005. Discovery story HERE and HERE,

An Empidonax flycatcher was found this week, an Alder/Willow, so I'm hoping that hangs around until tomorrow and it looks like there are some promising westerly winds over the next week so fingers crossed.

I put the moth trap out last night, a very wet and stormy night- Feathered Ranunculus was a new for garden and there was a nice selection of migrants too. 

Right... I've got a plane to catch. 

Feathered Ranunculus- looking forward to resuming the search for a rare migrant moth in the garden when I get back next weekend 

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