Sunday 10 September 2023

Cydia interscindana

Finally solved the mystery of the identification of these very distinctive micro-moths from last week in London HERE. Turns out they are Cydia interscindana and the reason I was struggling was the species is not in the BWP micro-moth guide or on the UK moths website. The species was first recorded in the UK in 2016 and there are been several records since particularly since 2019. In Surrey they have been recorded several times since 2019 HERE but according to Les Evans-Hill (author of the UK Moth Atlas) there are no official records in the Surrey Atlas up to 2020. 

Sounds like a recent colonist and has even been recorded by the Upper Thames CMR team back up here in Bucks HERE

So needless to say a lifer and a first for both the sites we caught them. 

The one from Lee's trap (above) and from my mum's garden (below) 

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