Also 4 Sperm Whales (1,2), Bottlenose dolphins, Sowerby's Beaked Whales (which I overlooked-see comments below) (3), Cory's Shearwaters (4), Roseate Terns, Common Terns and 3-4 Wilson's Petrel

Further reading on Azores seabirds include Petrels Night and Day, A Sound Approach Guide and various ground breaking papers by Mark Bolton, Joel Bried, Luis Monteiro, Robert Furness et al details of which can be found within the Birding Azores reference list here: http://www.birdingazores.com/?page=orbi&id=1
Details of paper describing Monteiro's Petrel here: http://www3.interscience.wiley.com/journal/121420072/abstract?CRETRY=1&SRETRY=0
Peter, what were the four beaked(?) whales in the photo above the Cory's? Did you mean Northern Bottlenose Whale not Bottlenose Dolphin?
No I meant Bottlenose Dolphin- we had a load but looks like these were amongst them. I aint got a clue what they are- I've sent you a photo on email.They have long beaks?
I have sent you an email, I might be wrong but the photo in the email looks like Sowerby's to me, nice one, looks like an immature animal at the back :-)
I need Sowerby's. Excellent.
I also need some awareness when it comes to cetaceans :-)) They were with Bottlenose dolphins- I was just snapping like mad- not thinking much of it.
gosh, golly, gee . . . great photos, thank you Peter!
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