Juvenile male Kestrel (top): The dark bars on the median and greater coverts are narrower than the rufous interspaces. The tail is also grey. A single visible subterminal triangle bar to the mantle feathers (from Forsman).
The two Greenshank have decided to move on but were replaced with a Redshank . Still 20+ Green Sandpiper, also 6 Common Sandpiper and no move on duck numbers.

The two Greenshank have decided to move on but were replaced with a Redshank . Still 20+ Green Sandpiper, also 6 Common Sandpiper and no move on duck numbers.
A few Swifts (40+) over the last couple of days and last week 300+ were present. Have not seen a Barn Swallow in a few weeks and only one Sand Martin pair have bred in the artificial site.
A bird wave of Blue, Great, Long-tailed Tit with Chiffchaff, Blackcap, Lesser Whitethroat, Willow Warbler and Great Spotted Woodpecker were passing up irrigation bridge this morning.
Four Kestrel (a family party) including this juvenile were hunting over the mounds.
Most gulls are at some stage of active moult at the moment with this Common Gull (above) showing an active moult from first summer to second winter (inner primaries first). Also one first summer Mediterranean Gull on the lake.
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