Thursday 30 May 2024

Final Days in Oxfordshire

The Selsey property is nearly ready for us to start moving into so we are heading down there tomorrow to make a start. 

Been a rather uneventful week, an Oystercatcher flew over the garden and there were pretty good numbers of House Martins around, looks like there is a colony on the estate here. Juvenile Starlings are making a lot of noise in the garden. 

The weather hasn't been great for moths but last night was pretty decent. The garden moth list is now on 158 species for the year and I'll probably move the moth trap down to the new house tomorrow so that could be it for here. 

Biggest mission of the week was moving the mini-zoo to Little Woodcote for Sid to look after as after moving in to the new house we are heading to Australia for the summer so Sid is going to take care of the animals. 

There's a Red-necked Phalarope on Ferry Pool at Selsey (a few minutes from our house) so fingers crossed it's still there tomorrow. I might get my first twitch in on day one. Will see. 

Scarlet Tiger 
Small Angle Shades 
Shears- a few of these last night 
Mottled Rustic 
The mini-zoo in the caravan at Little Woodcote

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