Friday, 26 August 2011

Planting Reeds and Mowing Meadows

We've spent this week planting up the reed bed on the southern lake and made a start on the wild flower meadow by the hide.

A lot of the reeds we planted last year died because the water levels got too high so this year we have planted larger reeds and I get to be in charge of controlling the water levels through the winter this time.

The wild flower meadow plan has been made with the help of John and Richard from the London Wetland Centre so looking forward to next spring to see how the reeds and the wild flower meadow get on.

A few birds on the move again today- a flock of Arctic Tern (which I saw from the obs) and the other chaps saw Little Stint, Ruff, 2 LRP and Garganey so a pretty good day (not as good as Rainham!) .

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